Friday, July 12, 2013

Trayvon Martin's parents want 'justice' for son in Zimmerman trial

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Trayvon Martin's parents want 'justice' for son in Zimmerman trial

In the days since 17-year-ancient Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by 28-year-ancient George Zimmerman, a common claim has been: "we will never know what happened between Zimmerman and Martin since the only person who knows the truth and is still alive 

SANFORD, Florida (Reuters) – "Wannabe cop" George Zimmerman wrongly profiled Trayvon Martin as a criminal, followed him with a gun and provoked him into a fight that resulted in the shooting death of the unarmed black teenager, a prosecutor said on 

SANFORD, Fla. – Judge Debra Nelson ruled Wednesday against two key pieces of evidence sought by George Zimmerman's defense team. Nelson said that text messages from Trayvon Martin's phone which allegedly 

A major theme of the justification against George Zimmerman so far away is that he unjustifiably and recklessly followed Trayvon Martin after seeing the teenager walking.

Trayvon Martin is dead because in the eyes of George Zimmerman "he was up to no excellent." "And because his assumptions were incorrect," Prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda told the court Thursday, "Trayvon Benjamin Martin no longer walks the Earth.".

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