Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lawmakers condemn Seth MacFarlane's 'disturbing' Oscars jokes

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Lawmakers condemn Seth MacFarlane's 'disturbing' Oscars jokes

We can carp all we want about Seth MacFarlane's arguably misogynstic, racist, and anti-Semitic language, but his Oscars ceremony was just business as usual. It was a suggestion of the same forms of misogyny, racism, and lack of diversity that plague

Seth MacFarlane's Oscars opening number 'We Saw Your Boobs' – which poked fun at Hollywood actresses showing us the breasts in shallow, hilarious films like 'The Accused' and 'Boys Don't Weep' – was roundly slated by most viewers and critics as being

I felt nostalgic last night for the Academy Awards of yore, when I sat on a couch with friends and watched everyone be glamorous and semi-respectable and we got to be yucky and snarky. MacFarlane broke through that

Austerely place, along with a host of national critics I found Seth MacFarlane sophomoric, appealing to the basest form of humor, rather than seeking what many might prefer as a cleverer approach, finding unexpected irony while satirizing a circumstances. And

"Anne Hathaway is a feminist . . . let's keep our terrible attitudes for the ones who aren't advancing the cause," the Girls creator tweeted of the Academy Awards fan response.

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