Thursday, February 28, 2013

Groups criticize Nutter over school closings

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Groups criticize Nutter over school closings

The cuts, which were officially announced as Cardinal Francis George and other leaders of the church gathered at the Vatican to select a new pope, include closing five schools, eliminating 75 positions at the archdiocese's headquarters and placing a

The cuts, which were officially announced as Cardinal Francis George and other leaders of the church gathered at the Vatican to select a new pope, include closing five schools, eliminating 75 positions at the archdiocese's headquarters and placing a

On Tuesday, school-closing protesters marched from Fulton Elementary to Emlen during a "Walk in My Shoes" protest. by Aaron Moselle. Fran Hoffman didn't mince words Tuesday day while discussing the collective

The cuts, which were officially announced as Cardinal Francis George and other leaders of the church gathered at the Vatican to select a new pope, include closing five schools, eliminating 75 positions at the archdiocese's headquarters and placing a

An estimated 2 million gallons of skinned sewage will be pumped into the Atlantic Ocean all day that the Hull wastewater treatment plant is off-line due to flooding inside the facility, town and state officials said this day. “The plant is being

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