Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Daniel Day-Lewis school play pic looks like Abraham Lincoln

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Daniel Day-Lewis school play pic looks like Abraham Lincoln

Daniel Day-Lewis' Oscar win for his work in a past drama also place the actor in the description books. Day-Lewis, known for an intense method approach, which he showed in Steven Spielberg's "Lincoln," is the first man to win

Daniel Day-Lewis has broken an Oscar record this evening. The Lincoln star picked up the Best Actor plaque for his performance in the Steven Spielberg film, making him the first actor to win three lead actor prizes.

Daniel Day-Lewis may be this week's Hump Day Hottie — and, oh yeah, the latest Best Actor Oscar winner — but he's hardly the flavor of the month. No, DDL is an example of an eternally hot man who only gets better with age. I've been salivating over

Daniel Day-Lewis' Oscar win for his work in a past drama also place the actor in the description books. Day-Lewis, known for an intense method approach, which he showed in Steven Spielberg's "Lincoln," is the first man to win

DANIEL Day-Lewis appears in a school play in 1973 — looking like a young Abraham Lincoln. Daniel, 55, who won a record third Best Actor Oscar for his portrayal of the US head in Lincoln was playing a Russian soldier in Chekhov's Three Sisters

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