Saturday, January 12, 2013

Los Angeles on view in 'Gangster Squad'

In accordance with production company guidelines, "Gangster Squad" kept things green on set. "Warner Bros. has a very rigorous eco policy and there's an eco officer on the set," says producer Kevin McCormick. "The platesIn accordance with production company guidelines, "Gangster Squad" kept things green on set. "Warner Bros. has a very rigorous eco policy and there's an eco officer on the set," says producer Kevin McCormick. "The platesIn accordance with production company guidelines, "Gangster Squad" kept things green on set. "Warner Bros. has a very rigorous eco policy and there's an eco officer on the set," says producer Kevin McCormick. "The platesHOLLYWOOD (KTLA) - The new Warner Bros. film "Gangster Squad" takes on a serious subject: how the LAPD went to war in the 1940's and

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